DIY Rustic Cinnamon Stick Ornaments


Part two of my tree decorating frenzy included making rustic ornaments made from cinnamon sticks. I’ve got two different tutorials here for you today, each super easy and super cute.

DSCN8644For both tutorials, this is what you’ll need:

  • craft cinnamon sticks
  • twine
  • hot glue gun and sticks
  • masking tape
  • scissors
  • glitter (whichever color will match your tree)
  • mod podge


First, for the star ornaments. Really the only thing tricky about this one is figuring out which way to lay out the sticks so they don’t look awkward and misshapen as a star. Take five cinnamon sticks and lay them into a star pattern, putting a dab of hot glue on the tips of the sticks where two will meet.

Hopefully my pictures will help you figure it out.


Voila! Now tie some string around the top of your star for hanging it on the tree.


The next step is glitter-ifying it. Cover the entire front surface of your star with a thin layer of mod podge. Then, simply sprinkle with glitter. I chose a light, shimmery glitter for these ones – understated but glorious!


My second rustic ornament tutorial is this glitter tipped bundle of sticks. You need the same materials.

Choose about five or six cinnamon sticks. Place them on top of a piece of twine approximately four or five inches long. Tie the twine tight and finish it off in a bow.

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Now, place a piece of masking tape around the tip the bundle where you’d like your glitter to be.


Cover it in mod podge and dip it in the glitter of your choice. I chose gold for this one.  Let dry completely before removing the masking tape.



These ornaments could also be made with twigs from your backyard if you’re feeling extra rustic. I happened to have two bags of cinnamon sticks lying around, so that’s what I chose for my tree. It also helps that they smell cinnamony and sweet! This simple tutorial would be a great idea for a family activity if you have kids. đŸ™‚

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3 thoughts on “DIY Rustic Cinnamon Stick Ornaments

  1. Oh I absolutely love these. I’m going with a rustic theme so I’m totally going to make these but maybe with sticks instead of cinnamon sticks.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Much Love,

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